The Gulf Oil Disaster has a Fine Cast of Characters
Here I am in the middle of another state test, and I prefer to sit around on my butt and watch the mess in the Gulf unfold on my Vizio. Thanks to this mess I am liable to flunk EC-6…now that would be embarrassing.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, is beyond handsome riding around in the air boat with Anderson Cooper of CNN's 360. Tony Hayward and Doug Suttles of BP are both nice looking professionals. President Obama missed a lot of great photo opportunities; he would have fit well into this menagerie of over-the-top beautiful middle aged men. All of them serve to remind us of how feeble we are compared to the forces of nature. We are all gorgeous, highly intelligent, and capable of almost any scientific endeavor, yet, this catastrophe could change life on the entire planet.
The woman at the middle of this scandal, Liz Birnbaum, of the Mineral Management Service is not glamorous by any stretch.
Look at the link to view a ridiculous letter from her department.
You could have emailed her with your comments, except she cleaned out her desk today.
Doug Suttles of BP graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. He spent time in Oklahoma and then he moved on to Alaska. In my opinion he is sincerely distraught and unhinged by this disaster. He has a connection to the area and a love for the culture and people.
In the future, many of these talented engineers, leaders, scientists, and decision makers at BP will pay with their careers and credibility. I am hoping Suttles is able to avoid some of the fallout.
I wonder if the mess will be cleaned up by the time I am dead. Not that I plan on going early, it's just that something like this could take decades to resolve.
I guess when school gets out Vince and I will head off to Galveston for our beach and oysters. It doesn't take us long to drive down and we both need out of here for a day or two. While we are there we will sit close to the surf, hold hands, and say a special prayer for the people, animals, and special way of life just across the way.
It is a nightmare in progress.