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Judge Bilski and Attorney Koehne....REALLY?

Obama: He Stuck it to the Rich

At the end of his speech today, President Obama talked about restoring the American dream. For a lot of ex-homeowners the "American Dream" has left a sour taste in the mouth; Obama's attempt to restore this dream is a reality unattainable, the unbelievable lie.

For the rich, who are losing a powerful tax advantage, Obama has fared no worse nor better; his days, in their minds, are numbered anyway. He is a "one hit wonder," a "one-term president." I think he is incredibly brave, even though I disagree with him fundamentally, he did not sell out to become reelected. He must already know his days in the White House are over; that is, if the republican party agrees to a qualified and decent candidate.

I have listened to Obama discuss "spreading the wealth around." If I were one of the rich, I might resent his desire to take control of my money via taxes: death, capital gains, and inheritance. I have heard him say that the government should do for the citizens what the citizens cannot do for themselves. I agree with his philosophy to a is not a point far removed. I have to work; I do not like freeloaders.

Whatever your personal views, the rich are going to take a bit of a tax hit. Obama enjoyed delivering the punch.


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