Repeal Healthcare Reform? Political Insanity for the Benefit of Big Insurance
Not a REAL LIberal, but I support Healthcare Reform

Glenn Beck is Making Me Laugh

I have been listening to Glenn Beck morning and night since that deranged man shot up the "Congress in the Corner" event in Tucson. I am starting to worry; Beck sounds more fanatical than ever. I like Beck, but now I am beginning to understand what it is about him that worries the left. He does sound rather hateful in tone, and he seems overly emotional about healthcare. First of all, healthcare reform is not socialized medicine. Since I have had the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of socialized medicine while living in Canada, I can tell you for sure that what we are getting in the USA is not the same thing. To equate the two is a darn lie, and I am ultra tired of hearing all of the fabrications.

Beck, and the rest of the Palin Fox News crew, are paid to derail the Patient's Bill of Rights, and the upcoming healthcare reforms. This is why they are so fanatical. I honestly believe they will receive a huge payday if repeal is successful. 

Whatever the case, people on every side of the political spectrum felt offended by the crosshairs on Palin's tacky little map. She was asked months ago to remove that rubbish from the public eye; she refused. Now the ultra right wing, holier than thou, thuggy, Palin group has been forced to a nasty awakening: even democrats bleed red.

I believe the Fox group has cast a pall over our nation. I have listened to their words, the tone, and the usage. I have felt offended, and sometimes frightened by their hateful rhetoric. What they are doing is similar to gossip and personal attacks. They have literally "ganged up" on issues and individuals in order to derail healthcare reforms. They have not dealt with the facts; they have simply used emotion. They cast logic and science to the wind...math is meaningless. They will say, or do, literally anything to stop healthcare reform. Why?


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