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The Engineers at Volvo and Freightliner Need a Wake up Call

Abercrombie Kids...Whoa, is this for real?

I just finished looking at the Abercrombie Kids website. This morning CNN was talking about the scandalous swim bikini line...it is marketed to girls as young as seven. I have to admit I was shocked by the removable padding. The frilly top is just as bad. It's designed to make a little bitty girl look like she has breasts. What in the world is wrong with people these days? I can't believe a kid of seven needs a push up with padding. What a disgusting, and tasteless, burden to put on a young girl.

I don't have time to really go into all of the reasons why I am offended and disturbed by the bikini line. All I have time for now is to ask you to go look for yourself. Imagine a little girl wearing that stuff. It is just a bit much in my humble opinion.


I believe little girls should be allowed their innocence. These little padded bikinis definitely send the wrong message. Why does Abercrombie and Fitch have to stoop so low?


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