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Trump and His Three Types of Rhetoric: Do Not Turn Away

The Rhetoric of Violence

��� In his Lecture XXXIV, Hugh Blair begins by teaching listeners to sharpen their eloquent speaking style to amuse and entertain the audience. Trump manages eloquence to only one degree: candor. He endeavored to persuade his audience to attack the Capital by using the slogan created by Steve Bannon: Stop the Steal. This slogan served as an imperative, and in its delivery to the audience, in the context of Trump's location and his baseless argument that the election "was rigged," provided the MAGA mob with permission to raid our nation's Capital and commit violence against its occupants. This perverted rhetoric continues to threaten our democracy, a symbol of American freedom. Democracy is abstract, while citizens that debate our country's laws and values are concrete. The threat of injury and death still exists both in an abstract manner against the civility of our country, but also in the concrete form. This is why citizens not in agreement with Trump and his handlers live with a lingering sense of dread.

Trump and His Three Types of Rhetoric: Do Not Turn Away

The Rhetoric of Violence

    In his Lecture XXXIV, Hugh Blair begins by teaching listeners to sharpen their eloquent speaking style to amuse and entertain the audience. Trump manages eloquence to only one degree: candor. He endeavored to persuade his audience to attack the Capital by using the slogan created by Steve Bannon: Stop the Steal. This slogan served as an imperative, and in its delivery to the audience, in the context of Trump's location and his baseless argument that the election "was rigged," provided the MAGA mob with permission to raid our nation's Capital and commit violence against its occupants. This perverted rhetoric continues to threaten our democracy, a symbol of American freedom. Democracy is abstract, while citizens that debate our country's laws and values are concrete. The threat of injury and death still exists both in an abstract manner against the civility of our country, but also in the concrete form. This is why citizens not in agreement with Trump and his handlers live with a lingering sense of dread.

The Rhetoric of Practicality

    Clinging to this fabricated election denier nonsense seems ridiculous on the surface, especially to the people that actually do the work to organize and execute our democratic voting system. Many of these hardworking people now live in fear. But this is Trump and his handlers breaking down the barricades to control the larger and more practical motive: more calls to violence. It may seem practical on the surface if you do no analysis. Let's round up all of the illegal immigrants, the undocumented folks, and let's kick them out. Let's make sure they never come back. This can be made to sound more practical by appearing to focus on the violent offenders, at least initially. I predict they really will make an effort to deport people that really need to go. I am sure the public will be made privy to the methods of law enforcement as they routinely expel these violent and lawless immigrants. This juicy information will serve to prepare regular, hard-working citizens for the next step: a violent and chaotic removal of people en masse. The MAGA crowd will really go for this, at least in the beginning. Trump and his handlers will point to practical reasons of why this must be done. These reasons will become a matter of opinion, further dividing our country. Only if we become severely divided can we be defeated and oppressed, and ultimately turned into widgets and go-getters that serve the autocracy.

The Rhetoric of Celebration

    Finally, Trump and his handlers will indulge in a form of rhetoric known as epideictic. In this case it will serve as a form of "celebration." This roll out of celebratory rhetoric will detail the cruelties committed against immigrants to prepare Americans for the next step, to desensitize all of us to our new controlled reality. Most of us already know the threat is more than a simple abstraction, and as we watch the violence and chaos play out against our friends and neighbors, as we listen to the victory speeches and propaganda in the meanest of terms, our country, this beacon of light and hope, will slide off the rails into a tunnel of long darkness and violent chaos. Trump will roll out his speeches and propaganda in the meanest of terms; with candor he will justify this ugly, racist foundation our country labors to diminish.

    I am truly concerned about this near future. I am a white woman with a blush of native blood. If people of color support this administration, then why? How can anyone be so deceived? Trump's proclivity towards candor exists in only his brief, honest moments. The rest of the time, he is busy lying to the public--about everything. He told us with great candor about what he would do. He told his followers to "stop the steal," and they attempted to take away our democratic choice. Soon we will have a White House with more unelected power, more unelected power than ever. This isn't just about a few billionaires, but also the fact that Trump is compromised. I will leave it to you to fill in the blanks. But you know of whom I speak. It is even possible that Trump is compromised by more than one state actor. He told us what he would do. Now, please, listen to how he will describe his victory. Do not turn away from Trump. If you turn away from Trump, you turn away from what is controlling him. Think about that.

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